Note: you don't need Microsoft Word to enjoy this course to the full.
Excellent free alternatives will be recommended (that are very similar to Word)
Improve your skills in a friendly classroom environment with an experienced tutor.
The tutor, Glen Smith, has been teaching at the Forum for 12 years and has taught many I.T. courses, including many online courses during Lockdown.
Course subjects will depend on learners current skills.
Typical subjects for beginners;
enter text, numbers, images into a document and apply formatting to make these look attractive and professional, by adding other graphic elements (e.g. lines, borders).
Learn keyboard skills, using the full range of keys, typing accurately and efficiently, keyboard shortcuts
You will learn some basic computer techniques; select, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo, drag and drop
Structure information within word processing documents
Apply formatting to change the look of your document
Change the size, colour and style of text
Insert pictures into your documents
Save your work
How to find and open files
Typical subjects for those with more experience;
Do more with images; group, crop, align, space evenly, use different text wrap options
Discover the power of Styles - edit Styles and create your own
Discover the extra power of Heading Styles - navigate large documents and create a Table of Contents
Learn about voice recognition, which is included in Windows 10. Just talk and watch your words appear on screen!
Create and use templates
Discover little known features of text-boxes
Please note that course content depends on learners skills and experience and is subject to vary or change.